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Bent Breaker

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  1. 06. Spores Six Fingered People (Bent Breaker remix) 5:32
  2. The Strange Rays Of The Cosmic Case Bent Breaker 4:34
Bent Breaker - The Strange Rays Of The Cosmic Case (Promo clip)1m39s
Oval Harmonique - Artist - Bent Breaker


Aiming to enter every musical project with a fresh mindset without constraining himself with too much predefined rules and guidelines.

Leaving the fail-safe environment and letting imagination flow continuous through the circuit towards new ways to express his musical ideas. A quest to explore rhythm, dynamics and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture.

With love for sonic manipulation he splits sound into atoms and carefully assemble the parts into new complex phenomenon and artificial soundscapes.

Always seeking creative adventures and to push boundaries!




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