June 30, 2014 June 30, 2014
Venue: radiOzora

Tune in on 30th June 2014 Monday 8pm CET on the Chill channel. Reruns: 1 Tuesday 2pm, 2 Wednesday 8am, 3 Thursday 2am and 6 Sunday 8pm. Stay tuned!

Aiming to enter every musical project with a fresh mindset without constraining myself with too much predefined rules and guidelines. Leaving the fail­safe environment and letting imagination flow continuous through the circuit towards new ways to express my musical ideas. A quest to explore rhythm, dynamics and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture.

With love for sonic manipulation I split sounds into atoms and carefully assemble the parts into new complex phenomenon and artificial soundscapes.

Always seeking creative adventures and to push boundaries!

Logo radiOzora

Kim Molokow