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Doctor Purosurpo & The Evazan Orchestra

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Announcement MOTM EP.31 - Oval Harmonique Showcase

MOTM EP.31 Oval Harmonique Showcase

We are happy to share that we are participating in the next episode of MOTM! Be sure to check it out for some very exclusive sets from Doctor Evazan / Purosurpo MOTM EP. 31 OVAL HARMONIQUE SHOWCASE VOL. 1 THE OVAL DOCTOR aka Purosurpo with two very special sets!! 25.07.2020 7PM UTC+2 TIME GERMANY...

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OHDIG004 - Out Now! (Oval Harmonique)

Doctor Purosurpo & The Evazan Orchestra – Part One

Doctor Evazan previously released the album “Fold Reality” at Oval Harmonique. An album with dark and dirty flavoured beats and hypnotic soundscapes. Now the Doctor returns with a full orchestra. He prepared an EP which is the first part of a showcase for his interest in electronic beats. Enjoy this sonic treatment from your favourite...

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